Eligibility – District Contribution to Premiums
Full-time or at least half-time of the comparable full-time position and who are at least 18 years of age are eligible to receive the district contribution of medical insurance premiums.
Part-Time Employee & Substitutes Eligibility
Under the TRS ActiveCare eligibility rules, all part-time, variable hour, and substitutes are eligible to enroll in a TRS-ActiveCare medical plan. However, part-time, variable hour, and substitutes employees are NOT eligible for the district contribution and will be required to pay the entire premium, set by TRS ActiveCare.
Part-time employees are only eligible for medical (full premium) and the individual retirement plans, 403B and 457B. Part-time employees are NOT eligible to participate in any other benefits.
You are only eligible to enroll in the medical plan (full premium) during the first 30 days from your hire/rehire date. You can enroll anytime in either of the individual retirement plans.
Not Eligible for Benefits
Employees on a leave of absence exceeding six months and not receiving pay are not considered benefit-eligible. This does not pertain to those on FMLA.
TRS retirees who are enrolled in TRS-Care (retiree health insurance program) are not eligible to participate in TRS-ActiveCare
Spouse/Dependent Eligibility
Employees’ legal partner and/or common law (no domestic partner) are eligible to be added to your benefits.
Employees’ dependents up to age 26 are eligible to be added to your benefits.
Coverage Start
As a new employee you have 30 days from your hire date to complete your enrollment.
The effective date of coverage would be the first of the month following the date of hire/rehire.
For TRS medical only, new employees can choose to have coverage effective as of their hire/rehire date or the first of the month following.
Please note, that if you choose to have coverage effective as of your hire date, you will be charged the entire month's premium.For enrollment due to a Qualifying Life Event, employees are eligible to enroll in benefits during the first 30 days from the date of the qualified event.
Please be advised that elections made after a payroll cycle has processed may result in multiple deductions on your next scheduled payroll. These deductions will ensure that premiums are applied back to the effective date of coverage and there is no disruption of service.
Important: Once your enrollment is completed, you may not make any changes to your elections unless you have a qualifying life event, or your hours worked per week drop below the minimum.